Providing care in all out of school time hours.
This middle school program is designed by students, for students. It will be a combination of homework time, recreation, and opportunities for activities from arts to STEM in a safe, hang out environment for all. Join us today!
Spring middle school athletics will open for registration on February 15th.
Virtual Story Time
Would you like to learn how to sharpen your knives at home and enjoy using a sharp knife and enjoy using knife skills that will speed your work and work safely? We will discuss recommendations as to what kind of knives and which steel will increase your enjoyment and give you long-lasting sharp edges; talk about what "sharp" is; different options for sharpening and sharpening tools that cost a reasonable amount of funds; learn some tips and tricks for preparing your food.
Bring to Class:
Tom Howard has been teaching adult education in the Metro Area for more than twenty years, including classes in Legal Aspects of Starting a Business; Knife Sharpening and Knife Skills in the kitchen; Constitutional Law; and Emergency Planning for Disasters. He has practiced law in the Metro for forty-four years and is a hobby home cook.
Tom Howard