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16 Results

  • Abdominal Strengtheners That Won't Stress Your Back or Neck (online)

    Abdominal muscles weaken and lose shape due to past pregnancies, surgeries, sitting at a desk all day, being sedentary and poor posture. Learn a series of extremely effective exercises to quickly strengthen all four layers of abdominal, WITHOUT stressing back or neck joints and WITHOUT getting on the floor. Common abdominal exercises like crunches can place too much stress on back and neck joints.
  • Becoming EcoWell: Crafting Your Blueprint for Healthy and Harmonious Living

    Discover the powerful connection between your well-being and the health of our planet. In this engaging workshop, you'll discover how individual choices impact both personal well-being and the environment, creating a ripple effect of positive change. Join us as we explore: The inherent relationship between our health and that of the earth. Why nurturing yourself goes hand in hand with healing the planet. How simple changes can boost resilience in your internal (mind and body) and external (home, community, world) environments Creative solutions that fit your unique lifestyle and harmonize with sustainable living Whether you're curious about healing yourself, your family, or the world, this class will inspire you to take the next step in your journey towards holistic wellbeing. Ideal for anyone seeking to create positive change in their life and the world around them.
  • Can’t Hear on the Phone?

    CapTel Captioned Telephones provide a unique solution for individuals with hearing loss by offering both audible communication and written captions of what the caller is saying, allowing users to read and comprehend conversations more effectively. These phones operate like traditional phones but enhance accessibility through real-time captioning, making it easier for users to engage in conversations. Join us at the Senior Center to learn about CapTel phones, their benefits, and hands-on experiences with the devices are available, and thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act, CapTel phones can be obtained at no cost to eligible individuals.
  • Coffee, Core & Pelvic Floor

    Mama's come join us for a coffee as we delve into how your core and pelvic floor work together to address postpartum concerns. We'll cover tips for managing leaking, diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, back pain and more. Learn to engage your deep core, check for diastasis recti, and practice exercises to strengthen your core and pelvic floor. Don't miss this opportunity for support and guidance!
  • Everything You Want To Know About Medicare

    An educational presentation for anyone who wants to know more about Medicare. Topics will include Parts A, B, C, and D of Medicare, application process, estimated costs, supplements, MAPD, and when is the right time to sign up. This is an ideal course for people that are turning 65 or over 65 and coming off their employer medical plan as well as those currently enrolled in Medicare. NOTE: THE FEBRUARY CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED
  • How Sleep Works: How to Stop a Bad Night’s Sleep from Becoming a Chronic Problem

    Insomnia affects 20% to 30% of the American population each year, and 10% have chronic insomnia that has lasted several months or even years. Many people find sleep medications and over-the-counter supplements ineffective, but there are effective non-medicinal treatments many people don’t know about. In 2016, The American College of Physicians reviewed all treatments for insomnia and found Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to be the safest, most effective and durable treatment for insomnia. Sleep is logical, and it follows rules. The problem is that no one teaches us the rules of sleep. This 75-minute presentation and discussion will teach you how sleep works and what you can do to prevent a short bout of insomnia from becoming a chronic problem.
  • How to Begin Downsizing and the Emotions that Go with It

    Downsizing, and even the thought of downsizing, to leave your home, can cause many emotions including; happiness, sadness, anxiety, grief, joy, relief, worry, and more. Let’s chat about the common things that cause us so many emotions when we are planning to leave our home of many years and how to deal with all of those emotions. We can also discuss a step by step plan on how to start the process when you are ready.
  • Hypnosis: Weight Loss/Healthy Eating, Stop Smoking/Vaping, or Chewing Tobacco

    Do you feel like your life revolves around food or smoking cigarettes, vaping or chewing tobacco? Stop the cravings and urges with hypnosis and learn how to get healthy today! No more weight gain, no more cravings! This is a combined class with 2 sessions running concurrently. All students come together at introductions and then split into groups for their hypnosis sessions. Participants can attend both sessions at the combined class fee. Lifetime members pay a nominal fee. Participants will receive a hypnosis reinforcement CD and membership card to attend future classes at a discount. Schedule: 5:45 - 7:45 PM Weight Loss/Healthy Eating - Stop cravings for sweets, carbs, greasy fatty foods, pop etc. Get motivated to walk and or exercise. Develop a positive attitude towards getting healthy and losing weight. 5:45 - 8:45 PM Stop Smoking/Chewing Tobacco/Vaping - Stop your addiction without cravings or weight gain. This group will have a break off school grounds to have their last big smoke out. Bring your tobacco products with you! If you are a Lifetime Member, please call to register: 651-653-3121
  • Improving Bladder Control

    Learn easy daily life changes, overall view of bladder function, and exercises to improve bladder and bowel incontinence. These simple changes and exercises have improved the quality of life for many people both male and female. The exercises that will be taught help benefit the pelvic floor, muscles, low back pain, balance, and circulation. Materials included: TheraBand, exercise ball, and handouts.
  • Is Your Waistband to Tight Today? How to Beat Belly Bloat (online)

    Have you ever found that in the a.m. your waistband fits fine but by mid-afternoon, it’s squeezing you like a tourniquet? Or, no matter how many crunches you do, your stomach still hangs out? Getting rid of a potbelly is much more than just doing abdominal exercises. In this workshop, you will learn the main causes and 6 strategies for getting rid of belly bloat. We will do a few exercises designed to strengthen the deepest layer of abdominal muscle – the layer that is responsible for flattening your stomach, shaping your waistline, and supporting your lower back. And we will do this without getting on the floor.
  • Looking Ahead: Tips for Living Well and Navigating Your Health Care Options

    Navigating the waters of healthcare can be confusing and overwhelming. So much so that most people push off thinking anything about it until they are thrown into a state of emergency. STOP waiting for something to happen and START making headway towards supporting your desired health outcomes. Join us for free refreshments and conversation as we dive into steps you and your loved ones can take to make finding the right resources a little more manageable.
  • Sleep & Aging

    As we get older, sleep often becomes more difficult. Although sleep problems are not uncommon for those aged 65+, they aren’t a normal part of aging. This engaging presentation and discussion will focus on normal sleep in the elderly, and how other sleep disorders, medical, and environmental conditions can disrupt sleep. We will also discuss why sleep medications can be problematic for seniors and how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) combined with medication tapering can improve overall sleep with fewer side effects.
  • Strong is the New Skinny (online)

    Not everyone can be skinny, but EVERYONE can be stronger - even if you don’t get to the gym several times/week. Learn how to strengthen your arms, back, shoulders, chest, hips, butt and thighs using resistance bands while watching your favorite TV or radio show. There are many benefits to having stronger muscles – they boost metabolism, maintain and increase bone density, make daily tasks easier and help you age with quality and grace. These multi-tasking exercises can fit easily into even the busiest of schedules. It is a wonderful thing to be strong, fit and functional. You’ll learn lots of tips and techniques to improve overall health and wellness. NOTE: You will need a resistance band for class.
  • Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia

    Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer's and the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia. We will also cover available resources from the Alzheimer's Association.
  • Understanding Cancer - and what resources are available

    For more than 10 decades, the American Cancer Society has been dedicated to pursuing better outcomes for every cancer, every life. Today, more people are surviving cancer than ever before. I invite you to come learn ideas for prevention, information on screenings, and gain an understanding of what resources and support are available for patients and caregivers while on their journey. Our mission is to end cancer as we know it, for everyone.
  • Women's Self-Defense Seminar

    This women's self-defense seminar will help you acquire the strategies and skills sets necessary to protect yourself from attack situations which are common and unique to females. Learn preemptive tactics, escape maneuvers, verbal interventions, physical techniques, and the effective use of self-defense devices, in order to quickly, and successfully, end a potentially dangerous encounter or assault. A strong emphasis will also be placed on empowering the mind, which is of paramount importance in prevailing in an attack. Come see for yourself how this seminar will give you the supreme confidence and extraordinary power to face any threatening situation. Ages 13-15 must be accompanied by a registered adult, Ages 16-17 with an adult (female or male) who stays to observe.