Providing care in all out of school time hours.
This middle school program is designed by students, for students. It will be a combination of homework time, recreation, and opportunities for activities from arts to STEM in a safe, hang out environment for all. Join us today!
Spring middle school athletics will open for registration on February 15th.
Virtual Story Time
We are back to our travels! Many people will not travel unless they book a tour, take a cruise, or travel with you their friend who knows the destination. Travel & tourism is the world’s fastest growing industry. Learn how to earn income as a tour director. Work part-time or full-time leading tours for major companies. Plus, learn how to get a FREE tour by promoting trips for tour companies or putting together trips on your own for friends, family or groups. Work for a company or learn how to start your own business. Instructor leads tours worldwide for major tour companies as well as her own tour business of 30 years. Tuition includes a 100-page digital book (a $39.95 value). Check out for more instructor information.
World traveler Gina Henry will show you how she leads tours to pay for her travel & to earn extra income. She has traveled to 104 countries over the last 30 years and teaches for 96 schools nationwide online. She organizes tours to Thailand, Cambodia & Peru and affiliates with tour companies to take clients to Egypt, the Galapagos, Croatia, Greece, Iceland, Argentina, Brazil, Botswana safari and more. Check out for more instructor information.
Gina Henry