Providing care in all out of school time hours.
This middle school program is designed by students, for students. It will be a combination of homework time, recreation, and opportunities for activities from arts to STEM in a safe, hang out environment for all. Join us today!
Spring middle school athletics will open for registration on February 15th.
Virtual Story Time
After years of traveling abroad, Avery Sutton is happy to return to the comfort of his home in Connecticut. Unfortunately, almost nothing is as he remembered it. The entire house is tilted at a distinct angle, the dog hasn’t been fed in five years, and Avery’s Grandmother, who everyone thought was dead, is still alive and kicking. Forced to either accept the oddities of his family or leave them behind, 37 Postcards suggests that you can, in fact, go home again... You just never know what you’re going to find.
Menu: Quarter savory roast chicken, Baked lasagna, Tuscan vegetable medley, Garden salad with assorted dressings, Assorted rolls, Mashed potatoes, Specialty dessert, Coffee and tea
No Refunds after April 18
“McKeever’s writing illuminates not only insightful wit but a disarming poignancy that, while poking fun at this dysfunctional family, also reveals a well-thought-out and emotional resonance." George Capewell, Backstage
“Moving and real.” Alvin Klein, New York Times “If you want some laughs mixed with warmth, love, and familial devotion, do not miss this play.” Buddy Clarke, Entertainment News and Views “What can possibly top this show?” Kim Cool, Venice Gondolier
“Moving and real.” Alvin Klein, New York Times
“If you want some laughs mixed with warmth, love, and familial devotion, do not miss this play.” Buddy Clarke, Entertainment News and Views
“What can possibly top this show?” Kim Cool, Venice Gondolier
Departure / Return from: Gladstone Community Center, 1945 Manton St, North St Paul