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28 Results

  • 10 Really Important Reasons Your Parent's Estate Plan is Important to You (online)

    In this class we will take an in-depth review of many issues, and problems, that may be faced from your parents estate plan (or lack thereof) such as: creating a difficult Probate, loss of assets to the Nursing Home, fighting amongst the children, senior care issues, guardianship, privacy, the continued life of the surviving parent, estate tax protection, fairness and equality, legacy assets and the flow of critical information between the generations. With our 30 years of experience, we will discuss actual Minnesota examples of all of the above challenges and how they can be avoided in advance with some simple planning and exchange of information. All questions will be answered in an open and friendly forum
  • 50 Money Making Side Hustles for Teens (online)

    What's the fastest way to make money as a teenager? The answer is a side hustle. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait till you're over a certain age to earn $$ with side hustles that can easily fit into your teen life — between all the classes, chill sessions, and extracurricular activities. And, most of these side hustles don’t require you to study more, won’t interfere with your social life, and can help you hit any financial goal — maybe even get that car! There will also be a guest teen entrepreneur! You’ll leave class loaded with information about how to fill out any legal forms to get the business started, and details about 50 profitable side hustle ideas to get you going fast. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
  • 55+ Driver Safety

    The 55+ Driver Safety course is now a 4-hour program for both those taking the class for the first time and those renewing for the discount. If you're 55 or older, get a discount on your personal auto insurance and improve your driving skills. The course, developed by the National Safety Council, teaches basic crash prevention techniques and has a proven record of reducing traffic violations and incidents. It's taught by experienced, professional traffic safety instructors, including officers of the Minnesota State Patrol. The class consists of lectures, films and discussions. There is no behind-the-wheel driving and there are no tests. According to Minnesota state law, people age 55 and older who complete a state-approved defensive driving course are eligible to receive a 10%, three-year discount on auto insurance. After you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion to give to your insurance company. Instructor: Minnesota Safety Council. Their Mission: To strengthen individuals, families and organizations by helping prevent injuries and support safer, healthier lives. The Minnesota Safety Council is a member-based, private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries - a leading cause of death, disability and economic loss. We offer traffic programs for the workplace and the larger community, including defensive driving classes for mature drivers and interactive online programs for teens. Since 1928, our sole focus has been to make Minnesota a safer and healthier place to live. The Minnesota Safety Council is a chapter of the National Safety Council.
  • 55+ Driver Safety

    Important Legislated Update: There has been an important update to the MN Statute regarding 55+ Accident Prevention courses. During the 2024 legislative session a change was made to the Accident Prevention Course Rule. Effective July 2024, the new rule states that the course must be a total of at least 4 hours. This means a first-time participant can take a 4-hour program as their initial training – the 8-hour will no longer be a requirement. If you're 55 or older, get a discount on your personal auto insurance and improve your driving skills. The course, developed by the National Safety Council, teaches basic crash prevention techniques and has a proven record of reducing traffic violations and incidents. It's taught by experienced, professional traffic safety instructors, including officers of the Minnesota State Patrol. The class consists of lecture, films and discussions. There is no behind-the-wheel driving and there are no tests. According to Minnesota state law, people age 55 and older who complete a state-approved defensive driving course are eligible to receive a 10%, three-year discount on auto insurance. After you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion to give to your insurance company. Instructor: Minnesota Safety Council. Their Mission: To strengthen individuals, families and organizations by helping prevent injuries and support safer, healthier lives. The Minnesota Safety Council is a member-based, private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries - a leading cause of death, disability and economic loss. We offer traffic programs for the workplace and the larger community, including defensive driving classes for mature drivers and interactive online programs for teens. Since 1928, our sole focus has been to make Minnesota a safer and healthier place to live. The Minnesota Safety Council is a chapter of the National Safety Council.
  • 55+ Driver Safety

    Important Legislated Update: There has been an important update to the MN Statute regarding 55+ Accident Prevention courses. During the 2024 legislative session a change was made to the Accident Prevention Course Rule. Effective July 1, the new rule states that the course must be a total of at least 4 hours. This means a first-time participant can take a 4-hour program as their initial training – the 8-hour will no longer be a requirement. If you're 55 or older, get a discount on your personal auto insurance and improve your driving skills. The course, developed by the National Safety Council, teaches basic crash prevention techniques and has a proven record of reducing traffic violations and incidents. It's taught by experienced, professional traffic safety instructors, including officers of the Minnesota State Patrol. The class consists of lecture, films and discussions. There is no behind-the-wheel driving and there are no tests. According to Minnesota state law, people age 55 and older who complete a state-approved defensive driving course are eligible to receive a 10%, three-year discount on auto insurance. After you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion to give to your insurance company. Instructor: Minnesota Safety Council. Their Mission: To strengthen individuals, families and organizations by helping prevent injuries and support safer, healthier lives. The Minnesota Safety Council is a member-based, private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries - a leading cause of death, disability and economic loss. We offer traffic programs for the workplace and the larger community, including defensive driving classes for mature drivers and interactive online programs for teens. Since 1928, our sole focus has been to make Minnesota a safer and healthier place to live. The Minnesota Safety Council is a chapter of the National Safety Council.
  • Buying and Selling in Today's Market

    Join our interactive home buyer and seller class. Facilitators Rachel and Katie have over 30 years of experience to help guide you through the home buying journey. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, interested in moving up, or curious about downsizing, you’ll learn valuable insights into today’s market and what it takes to successfully make your next move. Topics for buyers include mortgage and financing options, budgeting, strategies for getting the best deal, the role of credit scores, and inspections and contracts. Topics for sellers include preparing your home for selling, setting a price, marketing strategies and negotiating offers. We’ll also discuss market trends, staging your home, legal and financial responsibilities when selling, pricing strategies, and how to buy and sell at the same time. There will be time included for questions and answers.
  • Draft Your Own Will

    Preparing your will is an important step in providing for the ones you love. Week 1 ~ Learn the various techniques for property distribution of your estate. Explore basic estate planning concepts and assess your needs for your estate plan. You will receive sample forms and language to use while you draft your own will. It will be necessary for participants to type or handwrite their own document. The Instructor will also cover circumstances that may require a review/revision of your will and a brief review of the benefits of a trust. Questions welcome. Week 2 ~ You will sign the will you created. The language in your will will not be reviewed by an attorney and legal advice will not be given. Questions welcome!
  • Five Keys to Retiring Fearlessly

    Do you know what next steps to take so you can retire? We can help. Join us for 5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly, a free workshop with insights to help you achieve your retirement goals, by answering the following questions: Will I have enough to retire? Will my retirement income last? Are my assets protected? This is a learning opportunity only. No products will be sold.
  • Four Successful Strategies to Protect the House, Farm, Cabin & More, Before & After Your Death

    The Concern: Family has cabin, homestead, hunting land, farm or second home: How do we protect this family legacy and move its use and enjoyment into the future? The Problem: Various sources and forces threaten its very existence: The nursing home and Medicaid (MA), estate taxes, family divorces, creditor and bankruptcy issues, taxes and operating expenses, unequal resources of owners, the in-laws, and use and enjoyment equality. The Answer: We will provide real-life solutions and explore four paths to resolution that will solve our problems without driving the family apart or sacrificing the family legacy asset.
  • Get Paid to Teach English (ONLINE)

    Teach your way around the world while getting paid for your "vacation"! English is the world’s business and travel language, plus being able to speak English helps people get better paying jobs. If you speak English, you can teach conversational English! You don’t have to be certified or speak the local language. It can be a high paying career or simply a great way to go on vacation for free. Learn about teaching online, 2-month paid summer jobs, or full-time work. Discover the best paying jobs, qualifications, certification programs and specific hiring organizations. Tuition includes instructors 100-page digital book (a value $39.95). Go to for more instructor information.
  • Get Paid to be a Tour Guide & Travel Free (online)

    We are back to our travels! Many people will not travel unless they book a tour, take a cruise, or travel with you their friend who knows the destination. Travel & tourism is the world’s fastest growing industry. Learn how to earn income as a tour director. Work part-time or full-time leading tours for major companies. Plus, learn how to get a FREE tour by promoting trips for tour companies or putting together trips on your own for friends, family or groups. Work for a company or learn how to start your own business. Instructor leads tours worldwide for major tour companies as well as her own tour business of 30 years. Tuition includes a 100-page digital book (a $39.95 value). Check out for more instructor information.
  • Heart to Heart

    Aging and the changes that come with the need for additional caregiving can have a significant impact on personal finances as well as family relationships. This workshop reviews the considerations to make in planning for changes that arise as we age and provides tips for starting healthy conversations with family members that can lead to positive outcomes.
  • How To Get Into College, Pay For It Without Unmanageable Debt! (online)

    College is one of the largest investments your family will make and college costs are escalating rapidly. The seminar will cover the common mistakes families make in selecting colleges, how to prevent these mistakes, myths about college aid, how the FAFSA works, and how to get grants from colleges.
  • How to Pay for the Nursing Home: An Attorney's Perspective ONLINE

    The biggest fear for most baby boomers is how to pay for the nursing home and still leave an inheritance for the next generation. We will walk through the following questions and more including: How will I meet my nursing home goals? Is Long Term Care Insurance for me? What about home healthcare? Should I gift my money away? Would I qualify for Medicaid? What about my current Trust, does it protect my assets and avoid the nursing home? What is the 60-month claw back? What if my spouse goes into the nursing home and exhausts our money? Get the answers to these and other questions and learn how to create an effective plan to deal with these uncertainties.
  • How to Retire from an Attorneys Perspective (online)

    You work your whole career with the goal of someday retiring. This seminar covers the crucial years leading up to your retirement date, the active years of your retirement, and the winding down of your retirement years. Subjects will include: Estate planning while working, during retirement and at the end of life When to take your Social Security Key financial products and services available in the market (Medicaid compliant annuities, Long Term Care Insurance, Life Insurance Long Term Care Riders) What to look for in a professional (Financial Advisor, CFP, RIA, Fiduciary)? the final plans before the end – what can be too little too late? Please bring your questions, this class is an interactive forum.
  • How to Start Any Home Business + 250 Home Business Ideas! (online)

    Tired of working for someone else? Do you need to make more money? Turn your talents and hobbies into profits by starting a home business. Taught by a Chamber of Commerce Past President and award winning business owner, this is probably the most comprehensive business start up workshop you will ever find. You will discover: More than 250 legitimate home business ideas Mandatory legal documentation Many ways to market your product/service How to take tax deductions (this workshop included!) The webinar login information and handouts will be emailed the day before class. This class is a PREREQUISITE to take the class: Explore 50 Different Self Publishing Options
  • Let’s Probate an Actual Minnesota Estate (online)

    In this class we will walk-thru (in depth) an actual Minnesota Probate Estate from the filing of the Application for Probate to the Final Accounts . . . and all the steps in between. Class participants will learn the entire process with current forms, Court and filing requirements, accounting and procedural steps, as well as the procedures for the sale and distribution of estate assets. We will also discuss the roles, responsibilities, and liabilities of a person who is appointed as the Executor/Personal Representative. The class will be filled with real-life examples and solutions to the multitude of issues involving a typical (or not typical) Minnesota Probate Estate. This class encourages questions: Is there a “reading of the Will”? What about personal items? Does the Executor get paid? What about estate bills and creditors? We will provide the answers.
  • MAKE MONEY AS A FREELANCE WRITER: A Beginner’s Guide (online) NEW

    If you’ve got a way with words and love to write, freelance writing has emerged as a significant force in the gig economy, offering flexibility, independence and a way to make money online and offline, for supplemental income or a full-time career. You’ll learn the top ten areas of freelance writing, as well as how to create writing samples and pitches/queries, develop your freelance writing “brand,” and find reliable job boards and avoid content mills. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee, and include links to more than 1,000 ways to get paid as a freelance writer. The instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a nationwide Professor of Publishing at higher learning institutions, including Harvard Adult Education. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
  • Pre-Planning for the Inevitable

    Learn why pre planning your death is important, how it avoids unnecessary stress and confusion of what to do with your body and saves money during a traumatic time. How to choose providers and important details to think about and things to consider in helping to navigate the inevitable.
  • Q&A with a Minnesota Will & Trust Planning Attorney

    This is a relaxed and friendly open-forum seminar for participants with a seasoned Will & Trust attorney. Questions like: Should I avoid Probate? Is a Will good enough? Do I need a Trust? How does my plan deal with the nursing home? How do we gift the assets of husband and wife? What about separate assets not of the marriage? If I am alone, what tools protect me best? How do I decide who should serve in my estate plan? What is the death tax? How do I avoid leaving a mess for my children? Which Trust is best for my needs? Can I use a Transfer-On-Death Deed? How do my retirement assets operate in my Will or Trust? All questions will be answered!
  • Save Money with Extreme Couponing! (online)

    Learn how to save $$$ every day with extreme couponing. Coupons are NOT just for groceries. The savings can add up to HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars every year. This comprehensive workshop will teach you: where to find all different types of coupons, even for high ticket items how to find the best coupon apps and websites how to match coupons with sales for maximum savings This workshop is taught by someone who has used many couponing secrets to save thousands. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class. The instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a nationwide Professor of Publishing at higher learning institutions, including Harvard Adult Education. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
  • Social Security: Timing is Everything!

    Social Security is a vital income source for many retirees. But it can be a confusing topic and making the most of it can have a lot to do with timing it right. This workshop can help you get answers to your questions and learn what Social Security can mean for you. When should I apply for Social Security? How can I maximize my benefits? How will this affect my spouse? This class is a learning opportunity only. No products will be sold.
  • Start Your Own Online Business: A Beginner’s Guide (online)

    Looking for ways to make money online? Turn your ideas or homemade products into income by starting an online business. You will learn how to: find a gap in a niche market and fill it; build your own website, and market your business effectively (including SEO) so potential customers will find you; take care of business forms and taxes; create multiple sources of income (including Affiliate commissions). You’ll also get info about the 25 most popular online businesses to start. Informative handouts for future use are included in class fee. The instructors include a guest teen entrepreneur, and a longtime instructor LeeAnne Krusemark who is a Chamber of Commerce Past President, current author/editor, and a nationwide Professor of Publishing at higher learning institutions, including Harvard Adult Education. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
  • Taco ‘bout Senior Living

    Join us for Taco Tuesday! This is an ideal opportunity for older adults and their grown children to understand the various lifestyle options for seniors, learn about downsizing, financial considerations and get resources on planning for the future, while eating a couple tacos on us!