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23 Results

  • 10 Steps to Selling Your Home (and avoiding getting scammed)

    When you are thinking of selling your home and downsizing to your next home, there are so many things to consider to transition successfully! Whether you are considering a one level townhome, a condo or a senior living community it’s important to be prepared in this process. Come and be a part of this class taught by Joy Erickson and Faith Waters with Edina Realty and the Joy Erickson Real Estate Team. They have helped many seniors (including their parents) move successfully to their next home through thoughtful education and caring insights.
  • Bee Delightful: Unveiling the Sweet Secrets of Honey Bees!

    Volunteer Scott Nelson will provide a glimpse into what goes into operating and maintaining a Honey Bee apiary. Coffee with treats will be served
  • Constitutional Law

    Join the discussion about the history of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, how the Supreme Court makes its decisions; discuss some of the important cases and some fairly current cases that affect our lives every day.
  • Divorce Guidance Network (online)

    Are you or is someone you know considering divorce or separation? Whether you're contemplating a separation or already in the process, this event is designed to provide education, connection, and trusted support as you navigate life changes with more ease & confidence. Your coaches will include a family law attorney, financial planner, and realtor.
  • Dr. Mark Seeley: WEATHER Basic Meteorology

    How do we forecast the weather? What tools and data are used? What progress have we made in forecasting the weather? What are our limitations? What are the best Internet resources for you to get a forecast? Answers to all these questions and more in this presentation!
  • Dr. Mark Seeley: Weather Events that Shaped Our History

    Specific events and climate episodes have had an ever-lasting effect on cultures, landscapes, and historical events. Weather has played a key role in shaping human history. We will discuss several examples as we explore how weather has shaped our history in this presentation!
  • History: American Leper Colonies

    We don’t think of leprosy as an “American disease”, but it was and is. Patients (often called inmates) were held as prisoners. They lost their civil rights and frequently their families. Hansen’s Disease/Leprosy destroyed lives as much through stigma as through illness. Learn how a mistranslation of the Bible was used to put people away for years, sometimes with the goal being for them to die. More importantly, learn how they coped with banishment and even found joy.
  • History: Beside the Golden Door: A History of U.S. Immigration

    Ben Franklin urged an end to immigration in Pennsylvania, especially by “stupid, swarthy Germans”. It has long been a contentious topic. We cover the waves of immigration over the years, from your own ancestors to more recent arrivals. Learn about past and present immigration laws, enforcement efforts, and the expectations and realities faced by the newcomers. You’ll understand the naturalization process and receive a copy of the test required for citizenship.
  • History: Hoping For a Home: the Orphan Trains

    From 1854 to 1930, more than 200,000 children were put on trains to remove them from the poverty and danger of the city streets in the East. They were to be offered to morally upright farm families in the Midwest, many in Minnesota. The children were put on display and chosen by those willing to take them, with results that were sometimes great and sometimes horrible. Come learn about the process and the stories of the children who went through it, hoping for a home
  • History: Our Government in Hiding

    What happens if a catastrophe or nuclear attack killed our president and government leaders? Who would be in charge? Where would they be located? How would the country function? We’ll be talking about the history of plans for such an event, beginning way back in 1776, through WWII and today. You’ll learn about the bunkers, the plans for succession (not always what you think), the practice drills currently held each year, who will be saved and who is expendable if the unthinkable happens.
  • How To Raise Butterflies

    Did you know that in the wild, less than 10% of eggs laid survive long enough to become butterflies? The survival rates for butterfly eggs are so low due to various threats like predators such as ants, bees, spiders as well as bad weather and pesticides. Learn how to collect eggs from Black Swallowtails and Monarchs and raise them indoors to increase their chances of survival. Raising butterflies inside is easy and educational as you watch the transformation life cycle from egg to a beautiful butterfly. It is a miraculous experience for people of all ages. Students ages 7-17 can attend with a registered adult
  • Introduction to Voiceovers ...get started in voice acting! (online)

    Explore the craft of voiceovers! Discover current trends, opportunities and tools you need to find success in this growing remote working industry. Read a real script and receive coaching from your instructor, a professional voice actor, to improve your delivery. One-time, 90 minute, one-on-one, video-chat class! Learn more: 18 and over. Upon registration you will be contacted by VFA to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience. Requirements: Students must have Internet Access and Video Chatting capabilities using a method such as: Zoom, Skype, or iChat/FaceTime.
  • Knife Skills & Sharpening

    Would you like to learn how to sharpen your knives at home and enjoy using a sharp knife and enjoy using knife skills that will speed your work and work safely? We will discuss recommendations as to what kind of knives and which steel will increase your enjoyment and give you long-lasting sharp edges; talk about what "sharp" is; different options for sharpening and sharpening tools that cost a reasonable amount of funds; learn some tips and tricks for preparing your food. Bring to Class: Cutting board Several knives you would like to sharpen (wrap in towel for safe transport) Any sharpening tools you have A few vegetables to practice cutting with newly sharpened knives!
    Starting Soon
  • Learn to Play Mah Jongg

    Come join our instructor, Melinda Colwell, to learn this interesting and challenging game of arranging tiles for a winning hand. Mahjongg is a fantastic game for giving our brains some great exercise and bringing players together for sociability and fun! Melinda teaches with enthusiasm and compassion, striving to bring everyone along together. First, by learning the basics, then finish with the ability to play together with confidence and enjoyment. Come join us! NOTE: There is a $15 cash supply fee for the 2025 Mah Jongg game play card.
  • Makeup Bootcamp for Women 40 and Better

    When was the last time you updated your makeup and beauty regimen? Has your skin changed over time? What about your hair color? Join this “boot camp” to update your look with tips and techniques for ageless beauty. Learn about a variety of products, some may be completely new to you, application, and the latest trends in makeup and skin care. Julie Sherman is a makeup artist with 30 years of experience. No products or services will be sold! This class is essential for busy, beautiful women who could use a little updating!
  • National Vietnam War Veterans Day

    Join us in commemorating those who fought in the Vietnam War and their families on National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Presentations by: VFW 1782 Color Guard, the Nathan Hale Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Coffee & Treats provided.
  • Native Plants for Lousy Soil

    Do you have that patch of lousy soil where nothing seems to grow very well? There are plenty of tough MN native plants that will not only survive, but thrive in sketchy soil conditions. We will chat about all aspects of those tricky soil sites to get plants and blooms started for season to come including free soil testing. Participants will receive an informational folder full of great publications, a native plant book, and several door prizes will be given away from local plant specialists.
  • Parking Lot Sale

    We have the space, you bring the stuff! Individuals, non-profits, small businesses, EVEREYONE, is invited register for set up their own mini-sale. The sale will be held outside in the Normandy Park Education Center / Senior Center in the parking lot, on the sidewalk and in plaza areas if needed, rain or shine. Sale Hours Set Up: 7:30 - 9:00 am Sale: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Clean Up: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Equipment Bring tables and chairs from home (we do not have any tables for rent this year) OR Pull your car/truck into your space and sell out of your trunk Cash box with change Beverages and food for the day Tents are permitted (no stakes) Rental Options: All rental proceeds help support the White Bear Area Senior Program. No refunds. $25 for a 18' x 19' space (size of 2 side by side parking spaces) Questions? Call 651-653-3121 THE PARKING LOT SALE IS A FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR THE SENIOR CENTER. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS .
  • Senior Housing: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    Steps to Review Your Housing Needs for Today and Tomorrow We will be discussing lifestyle options for senior living. Should you stay and age in place - making home modifications to reduce safety risks OR should you go – moving to a home option that may be handicapped accessible, single level living? We will take an assessment and give you the tools to make educated decisions.
    Starting Soon
  • Senior Living Bus Tour

    Are you considering moving out of your home? If you're feeling uncertain about where to go next, we have a fantastic opportunity for you! Join us for a bus tour that will take you to local senior housing options plus lunch at one of the stops. This event is designed to help you explore your choices and gather valuable information. Engaging Speakers: During the bus ride, there will be speakers discussing various topics related to senior housing and living options. Networking Opportunity: Meet others who are in the same situation and share experiences. Explore Your Options: Visit different housing facilities and see what each has to offer. Schedule: 8:30-8:55am: Meet at White Bear Area Senior Center 9:10am: Depart for The Waters of White Bear Lake Bus Topic: Downsizing to prepare for your move 10:25am: Depart for Gable Pines Bus Topic: Moving with ease to your new community 12:10pm: Depart for Cerenity Senior Living Bus Topic: How to clear out your home with an estate sale 1:40pm: Depart back to Senior Center Bus Topic: Final Q&A This event is sponsored by Caring Transitions.
  • Spring Lawn Care

    Once the snow melts, let’s get that lawn perked up and growing! When to dethatch, fertilize, seed, and treat those pesky weeds will be discussed, plus a ton more. Learn some simple tips and techniques that can help you get the best performance out of your yard while saving some cash and preventing pollution. Participants will receive an informational folder full of great publications, a native plant book, and several door prizes will be given away from local plant specialists.
  • The Power of Goal Setting

    A goal without a plan is just a dream. As a new year begins, we often find ourselves feeling the pressure to set GOALS for the new year in the form of "Resolutions." And yet, despite all of our intentions, most people have sadly abandoned their goals within a matter of weeks. It isn't because you don't want it. And it's definitely not because you're not worthy of it. If this sounds familiar to you, then join us for an in-depth discussion and strategy planning session hosted by certified master life coach Tim Klecker. By attending, you will learn the ins and outs of successful goal setting practices and receive first-hand advice around what it takes to turn your dreams into a reality. You will receive various goal-setting tools and strategies, as well as spend time in a workshop style engagement where each person can put pen to paper and leave with a structured plan for them to accomplish their goals.
  • Veteran's Home Care Benefits

    Wondering if you qualify for home care assistance? As a Veteran, you could qualify for a professional caregiver through VA Health Benefits at no cost to you or your family. Pat Reardon from Senior Helpers will discuss the benefits and how to explore if you qualify.