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28 Results

  • Understanding Long Term Care Insurance Benefits

    This session will focus on helping residents who have long term care insurance understand what their policy covers and how to file a claim. It is often the case that policyholders purchased their policy 15-20 years ago from an agent that is retired or no longer in the insurance business. The instructor will cover the important questions you need to ask to understand what your policy covers, how to know if you qualify for a claim, and how to navigate what can be an obstacle course of paperwork, phone calls, and confusion. Please join us to learn more about this topic and to have your questions answered by an expert.
  • Will Your Taxes Affect Your Retirement

    It's critical to have a solid understanding of the tax status of investments to make informed decisions and avoid paying more than the fair share. In this seminar, you will learn: How future tax changes may create the potential for higher taxes. Ways to create tax-free retirement income. How Social Security is taxed. How to work efficiently within current tax brackets. This class is a learning opportunity only. No products will be sold.
  • Women, Wealth & Wisdom

    Learn to apply real-world lessons about managing finances and reaching financial goals. Hear stories about six women who have figured out a few things about their finances and enriched their lives in ways beyond what’s in their bank accounts. Key topics Managing your money Protecting your most valuable asset Saving the company match Living the life you want Avoiding regrets Paying it forward
  • Working Mothers: Always Working? Always Broke? What You may be Doing Wrong

    If you are constantly working and it doesn’t seem to show up in your bank account, there are things within your power to change it. Whether you are in bankruptcy, have unimaginable credit card debt, are facing foreclosure, or whether you have zero debt and are financially rich, this course is for the financially strapped and financially abundant mothers alike. Hard working mothers give it all they got, day in day out. They work for eight hours, pick up the kids from the bus stop, drive by the pharmacy to pick up the meds for their aging parents, get dinner ready, and empty out the dishwasher before retiring for the night. It seems like work, work, work, and being broke, broke, broke. Money management is a learnable skill. No one is “born” being an excellent money manager. Our relationship with money and how we feel about money affects our bank account. Cutting back on unnecessary spending helps the bottom line. Taking an inventory of financial leaks is a big part of money management. Increase your ability to earn. Yes you can.