Providing care in all out of school time hours.
This middle school program is designed by students, for students. It will be a combination of homework time, recreation, and opportunities for activities from arts to STEM in a safe, hang out environment for all. Join us today!
Spring middle school athletics will open for registration on February 15th.
Virtual Story Time
Make or fix your own clothes! Create a purse, a pillow, a blanket, or even a costume! Start with basic stitches and patterns and learn to create original hand and machine sewn designs.
CSGA Enrichment provides before & after school enrichment activities for all ages. We also provide workshops and activities for non-school days and camp formats in the summer. Directors, Bill Nara & Jason Lavine are the contacts for all programming. Both are long term educators. Henry Harris & Others will also provide Liberal Arts, STEM, Chess, & Game instruction. Shane Weber & Paul Sackaroff provide advanced online chess lessons and in-person tournament coaching.
Bill Nara